
时间:2024-12-04 09:59:03  100人浏览

300 个涂装术语的英语翻译

1. 涂装工艺:Painting process

2. 喷枪:Spray gun

3. 涂料粘度:Paint viscosity

4. 涂层厚度:Coating thickness

5. 烘烤:Baking

6. 固化剂:Curing agent

7. 稀释剂:Thinner

8. 底漆层:Primer layer

9. 中涂层:Intermediate coat

10. 面漆层:Topcoat layer

11. 空气喷涂:Air spraying

12. 无气喷涂:Airless spraying

13. 静电喷涂:Electrostatic spraying

14. 电泳涂装:Electrophoretic coating

15. 浸涂:Dip coating

16. 辊涂:Roller coating

17. 刷涂:Brush coating

18. 流平:Leveling

19. 消泡:Defoaming

20. 防尘:Dust-proof

21. 防腐蚀:Anti-corrosion

22. 耐候性:Weather resistance

23. 光泽度:Glossiness

24. 颜色匹配:Color matching

25. 色差:Color difference

26. 遮盖力:Hiding power

27. 附着力:Adhesion

28. 柔韧性:Flexibility

29. 硬度:Hardness

30. 冲击强度:Impact strength

31. 耐磨性:Wear resistance

32. 耐化学性:Chemical resistance

33. 耐水性:Water resistance

34. 耐油性:Oil resistance

35. 耐溶剂性:Solvent resistance

36. 防锈:Rust prevention

37. 金属涂装:Metal coating

38. 塑料涂装:Plastic coating

39. 木材涂装:Wood coating

40. 玻璃涂装:Glass coating

41. 陶瓷涂装:Ceramic coating

42. 汽车涂装:Automobile coating

43. 船舶涂装:Ship coating

44. 建筑涂装:Architectural coating

45. 工业涂装:Industrial coating

46. 家具涂装:Furniture coating

47. 涂装设备:Painting equipment

48. 涂装车间:Painting workshop

49. 喷漆房:Spray booth

50. 烘干房:Drying oven

51. 通风系统:Ventilation system

52. 过滤系统:Filtration system

53. 喷枪清洗机:Spray gun cleaner

54. 涂料搅拌器:Paint mixer

55. 涂料储存罐:Paint storage tank

56. 输送系统:Conveyor system

57. 自动涂装线:Automatic painting line

58. 手工涂装:Manual painting

59. 前处理:Pretreatment

60. 脱脂:Degreasing

61. 酸洗:Pickling

62. 磷化:Phosphating

63. 钝化:Passivation

64. 除锈:Rust removal

65. 打磨:Grinding

66. 抛光:Polishing

67. 清洁:Cleaning

68. 除油:Oil removal

69. 水洗:Water washing

70. 表调:Surface conditioning

71. 转化膜:Conversion coating

72. 阳极氧化:Anodic oxidation

73. 电镀:Electroplating

74. 粉末涂料:Powder paint

75. 水性涂料:Water-based paint

76. 油性涂料:Oil-based paint

77. 环氧涂料:Epoxy paint

78. 聚氨酯涂料:Polyurethane paint

79. 丙烯酸涂料:Acrylic paint

80. 氟碳涂料:Fluorocarbon paint

81. 有机硅涂料:Silicone paint

82. 聚酯涂料:Polyester paint

83. 硝基涂料:Nitrocellulose paint

84. 醇酸涂料:Alkyd paint

85. 防火涂料:Fireproof paint

86. 防腐涂料:Anticorrosive paint

87. 绝缘涂料:Insulating paint

88. 反光涂料:Reflective paint

89. 防滑涂料:Anti-slip paint

90. 耐高温涂料:High-temperature resistant paint

91. 低温固化涂料:Low-temperature curing paint

92. 双组分涂料:Two-component paint

93. 单组分涂料:One-component paint

94. 高光涂料:High gloss paint

95. 哑光涂料:Matte paint

96. 半光涂料:Semi-gloss paint

97. 金属效果涂料:Metallic effect paint

98. 珠光涂料:Pearlescent paint

99. 木纹效果涂料:Wood grain effect paint

100. 迷彩涂料:Camouflage paint

101. 标志涂料:Marking paint

102. 道路标线涂料:Road marking paint

103. 卷材涂装:Coil coating

104. 集装箱涂装:Container coating

105. 桥梁涂装:Bridge coating

106. 管道涂装:Pipeline coating

107. 钢结构涂装:Steel structure coating

108. 混凝土涂装:Concrete coating

109. 卷材涂料:Coil coating paint

110. 功能性涂料:Functional paint

111. 装饰性涂料:Decorative paint

112. 环保涂料:Environmentally friendly paint

113. 低 VOC 涂料:Low VOC paint

114. 无铅涂料:Lead-free paint

115. 绿色涂装:Green painting

116. 质量控制:Quality control

117. 涂装缺陷:Painting defect

118. 流挂:Sagging

119. 橘皮:Orange peel

120. 针孔:Pinhole

121. 起泡:Blistering

122. 缩孔:Cratering

123. 颗粒:Particle

124. 鱼眼:Fish eye

125. 裂纹:Crack

126. 剥落:Peeling

127. 变色:Discoloration

128. 失光:Loss of gloss

129. 遮盖不良:Poor hiding

130. 附着力差:Poor adhesion

131. 硬度不足:Insufficient hardness

132. 厚度不均:Uneven thickness

133. 色差过大:Excessive color difference

134. 返工:Rework

135. 报废:Scrap

136. 检验标准:Inspection standard

137. 抽样检验:Sampling inspection

138. 全检:Full inspection

139. 外观检查:Appearance inspection

140. 性能测试:Performance test

141. 盐雾试验:Salt spray test

142. 湿热试验:Humidity and heat test

143. 老化试验:Aging test

144. 耐候试验:Weathering test

145. 耐磨试验:Wear resistance test

146. 硬度测试:Hardness test

147. 附着力测试:Adhesion test

148. 光泽度测试:Glossiness test

149. 色差测试:Color difference test

150. 厚度测试:Thickness test

151. 涂装成本:Painting cost

152. 材料成本:Material cost

153. 人工成本:Labor cost

154. 设备成本:Equipment cost

155. 能耗成本:Energy consumption cost

156. 生产成本:Production cost

157. 涂装效率:Painting efficiency

158. 产量:Output

159. 生产周期:Production cycle

160. 工时:Man-hour

161. 涂装质量改进:Painting quality improvement

162. 工艺优化:Process optimization

163. 设备更新:Equipment renewal

164. 人员培训:Personnel training

165. 质量体系:Quality system

166. ISO 标准:ISO standard

167. 质量管理:Quality management

168. 六西格玛:Six Sigma

169. 精益生产:Lean production

170. 5S 管理:5S management

171. 安全生产:Safe production

172. 劳动保护:Labor protection

173. 环境保护:Environmental protection

174. 三废处理:Treatment of three wastes

175. 废气排放:Exhaust gas emission

176. 废水处理:Wastewater treatment

177. 废渣处理:Solid waste treatment

178. 环保法规:Environmental protection regulations

179. 涂装技术发展:Development of painting technology

180. 新材料应用:Application of new materials

181. 新工艺研究:Research on new processes

182. 智能化涂装:Intelligent painting

183. 数字化涂装:Digital painting

184. 机器人涂装:Robot painting

185. 在线检测:Online inspection

186. 远程监控:Remote monitoring

187. 大数据分析:Big data analysis

188. 智能控制:Intelligent control

189. 涂装设计:Painting design

190. 颜色设计:Color design

191. 涂层结构设计:Coating structure design

192. 工艺设计:Process design

193. 设备选型:Equipment selection

194. 工厂布局:Factory layout

195. 涂装工程:Painting engineering

196. 项目管理:Project management

197. 进度控制:Schedule control

198. 成本控制:Cost control

199. 质量控制:Quality control

200. 风险管理:Risk management

201. 客户需求:Customer requirements

202. 市场调研:Market research

203. 竞争分析:Competition analysis

204. 产品定位:Product positioning

205. 品牌建设:Brand building

206. 市场营销:Marketing

207. 售后服务:After-sales service

208. 技术支持:Technical support

209. 客户满意度:Customer satisfaction

210. 行业动态:Industry trends

211. 展会信息:Exhibition information

212. 技术交流:Technical exchange

213. 标准规范:Standard specification

214. 国家标准:National standard

215. 行业标准:Industry standard

216. 企业标准:Enterprise standard

217. 技术专利:Technical patent

218. 研发创新:R & D innovation

219. 团队协作:Team collaboration

220. 沟通协调:Communication and coordination

221. 问题解决:Problem-solving

222. 决策制定:Decision-making

223. 目标设定:Goal setting

224. 绩效评估:Performance evaluation

225. 激励机制:Incentive mechanism

226. 人才培养:Talent cultivation

227. 知识管理:Knowledge management

228. 经验分享:Experience sharing

229. 持续改进:Continuous improvement

230. 创新思维:Innovative thinking

231. 涂装管理软件:Painting management software

232. 计算机辅助设计(CAD):Computer Aided Design

233. 计算机辅助制造(CAM):Computer Aided Manufacturing

234. 企业资源计划(ERP):Enterprise Resource Planning

235. 制造执行系统(MES):Manufacturing Execution System

236. 供应链管理(SCM):Supply Chain Management

237. 客户关系管理(CRM):Customer Relationship Management

238. 数据分析工具:Data analysis tools

239. 自动化控制系统:Automation control system

240. 智能传感器:Intelligent sensor

241. 工业互联网:Industrial Internet

242. 物联网:Internet of Things

243. 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence

244. 机器学习:Machine Learning

245. 深度学习:Deep Learning

246. 大数据技术:Big Data Technology

247. 云计算:Cloud Computing

248. 虚拟制造:Virtual Manufacturing

249. 增材制造:Additive Manufacturing

250. 3D 打印:3D Printing

251. 智能制造:Intelligent Manufacturing

252. 工业 4.0:Industry 4.0

253. 绿色制造:Green Manufacturing

254. 循环经济:Circular Economy

255. 可持续发展:Sustainable Development

256. 社会责任:Social Responsibility

257. 企业文化:Corporate Culture

258. 企业价值观:Corporate Values

259. 企业愿景:Corporate Vision

260. 企业使命:Corporate Mission

261. 团队精神:Team Spirit

262. 敬业精神:Professionalism

263. 诚信经营:Honest Management

264. 质量第一:Quality First

265. 客户至上:Customer Supreme

266. 创新驱动:Innovation-driven

267. 合作共赢:Win-win Cooperation

268. 战略规划:Strategic Planning

269. 短期目标:Short-term Goal

270. 长期目标:Long-term Goal

271. 市场份额:Market Share

272. 利润增长:Profit Growth

273. 企业竞争力:Enterprise Competitiveness

274. 核心竞争力:Core Competitiveness

275. 竞争优势:Competitive Advantage

276. 差异化战略:Differentiation Strategy

277. 成本领先战略:Cost Leadership Strategy

278. 集中化战略:Focus Strategy

279. 多元化战略:Diversification Strategy

280. 国际化战略:Internationalization Strategy

281. 并购战略:Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy

282. 联盟战略:Alliance Strategy

283. 投资策略:Investment Strategy

284. 融资策略:Financing Strategy

285. 风险管理策略:Risk Management Strategy

286. 知识产权保护:Intellectual Property Protection

287. 品牌营销策略:Brand Marketing Strategy

288. 渠道建设:Channel Construction

289. 价格策略:Pricing Strategy

290. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy

291. 产品策略:Product Strategy

292. 市场细分:Market Segmentation

293. 目标市场:Target Market

294. 市场定位:Market Positioning

295. 市场营销组合:Marketing Mix

296. 消费者行为:Consumer Behavior

297. 市场需求预测:Market Demand Forecast

298. 销售预测:Sales Forecast

299. 生产计划:Production Plan

300. 库存管理:Inventory Management